
February 19, 2018

Divine Right Relationship

Another class I took before I started my practitioner training was Spiritual Practices. We learned about affirmative prayer, meditation, visioning, and journaling. We had prayer partners in class to practice doing spiritual mind treatments for others. Our week two assignment was to write a spiritual mind treatment on a current condition we would like to change. I wrote a treatment to release past attachments and attract a new romantic relationship. Feel free to use as is or adapt for your own purposes!

Spiritual Mind Treatment 

Currently lacking a romantic partner in my life. I am still emotionally ‘waiting’ for a recent partner who may or may not ever be ready to fully commit to pursuing a partnership.

I am always surrounded by love, appreciation, and support. I release all past attachments knowing that everything that happens is for my good and the good of all, in time and on time. I claim true, intimate love with a partner available and committed to a long-term relationship with me.

Qualities of God: 
Unconditional Love, Right Relationship, Freedom, Peace

Mental Equivalent: 
I am so thankful to feel the unconditional love that I am in my romantic partnership. I am adored and appreciated, supported in all I do. The love I give flows back to me with ease and grace in perfect circulation. With the freedom that is God, that is Life, all of my past attachments fly away like butterfly blessings, leaving the lessons learned and space for new love. Such joy to have a wonderfully strong, generous, intelligent, and fun partner to share this journey of life with!

     There is one Presence, one Power, one Life – and that is God. God is all there is – whole, perfect, and complete in its entirety in every moment, always present, always available. God is infinite unconditional love and right relationship always. God is Freedom, flowing through the universe with gentle ease and grace. God is peace for all eternity.
     As an individualized expression of God, I too am whole, perfect, and complete. I am one with the presence and power and life that is God. The Spirit dwells within me, is me, expresses itself as me, always flowing with ease and grace in freedom and perfection. As a child of the Most High, I too am infinite unconditional love, always guided by Spirit to right relationship. Peace is the very fiber of my being, always present when I am open and receptive to its power.
     I, Marianne, say the word for myself that I am always surrounded by love, appreciation, and support. I release all past attachments knowing that everything that happens is for my good and the good of all, in time and on time. I claim the present now moment as the only one which exists for me. All past suffering, sadness, guilt, or unworthiness is dissolved in the light of truth of my being. All fear of the future is banished from my consciousness as fear and love cannot exist in the same place. I accept true, intimate love with a partner available and committed to a long-term relationship with me. As the very fiber of my being is unconditional love, there can be no lack of it in my life. Spirit would never deny itself the experience of a higher frequency! Right relationship is my birthright and peace reigns in my heart.
     I am so grateful and thankful for the shift in consciousness that allows this manifestation of complete love, appreciation, and support to take place. I enjoy and treasure every minute with my romantic partner!
     I release this word into the Universal Law of Mind, trusting the process completely, knowing that as I do so, it is already done. And so it is. Amen.

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