
August 4, 2016

Embracing My Oneness with Spirit

The next class I took after Foundations was Self-Mastery. Many of the assignments involved writing spiritual mind treatments, prayers that call positive experiences into being by affirming that God qualities which appear to be lacking really are already present. The prayer plants a seed in Universal Mind - if it is given the sunlight and water of our full attention and trust, it must grow into a beautiful demonstration!

I thought I would post the treatments here to show my progression throughout the course. Feel free to use them yourself if the condition fits!

Spiritual Mind Treatment
Accomplishment of Intention in Taking the Self-Mastery Course
I am not always able to feel the qualities of God that I am, particularly joy, prosperity, and love. I am not always able to feel my oneness with Spirit.

I choose to feel and be the joy, love, and prosperity that I am. I embrace my oneness with Spirit.

Qualities of God:
Joy; Love; Prosperity; Oneness; Abundance; Whole, Perfect, and Complete; Patience

     There is one Power, one Presence, one Life – and that is God. God is all there is. God is omniscient and omni-present. God is never-ending joy, unconditional love, infinite prosperity, and abundance always. God in its Divine Wisdom is patience – whole, perfect, and complete.
     As the awareness, knowledge, and understanding of God’s nature floods my being, I am filled with peace and serenity because I know that this nature is my nature. As an individualized expression of God, I too am joy, love, and prosperity. As a droplet in the ocean that is God, I too am one with everyone and everything - whole, perfect, and complete. As God is patience, I too am patience.
     I, Marianne, say the word for myself that all false beliefs of separation, poverty, and lack are dissolved in the light of truth of my being. Guided by indwelling Spirit, I stand up to claim my Divine birthright, embracing my oneness with Spirit and my oneness with everyone and everything. I walk without fear knowing that I am never alone. I choose to feel and be never-ending joy, unconditional love, and infinite prosperity always. As God knows only love and patience, I too know only love and patience, accepting and blessing myself continuously on this journey. I am whole, perfect, and complete, always becoming more and more of my true Self.
     I am so grateful and thankful for the opportunity to take this Self-Mastery class, for the anonymous donor who so generously makes it possible for me, for our instructors Candace and Anna Marie who so lovingly facilitate our learning as more and more of our true selves are revealed. I am so grateful for the shift in consciousness that allows this manifestation to take place and for all of the insights and revelations that have brought me to this place thus far. I am so grateful that I am aware, understand, and know the God qualities I am.
     I release this word into the Universal Law of Mind, trusting the process completely, knowing that as I do so, it is already done. And so it is. Amen.

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